Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

The smartest AI contract lawyer in the world

What is LegalBot?

LEGALBOT is an artificial intelligence partnership that assists in drafting and reviewing international legal intelligence contracts, enhancing seamless business transactions across borders.

LegalBot is set up to transform the legal industry.
With the power of our artificial intelligence and user-friendly interface, LBOT collects information from customers, performs global auto-search of relevant cases, performs analytical evaluation We are pleased to announce the launch of a new, state-of-the-art, non-error-prone intelligent legal contract with the ultimate goal of enhancing and enhancing international business transactions.

How can LEGALBOT help?

LEGALBOT provides legitimate contract law services to most sectors of international business transactions. Examples of international contracts offered by LBOT are international turnkey contracts, sales contracts, intellectual property agreements, non-disclosure agreements, sales contracts, distribution agreements , purchase contracts and more.

Ownership of LBOT.

LegalBot is a complete hierarchical platform that allows instant payout with its LBOT token on the platform and supports masternodes and Proof of Stake algorithms.
+ No ICO, Airdrop free: One million tokens will be distributed to one hundred thousand subscribers and will add an additional ten thousand tokens per person.
+ LBOT Masternodes: When you own 200,000 LBOT token, you receive Masternodes.
+ Proof of shares (PoS):  You can build wealth and preserve that wealth while receiving LBOT coin rewards daily. Because LBOT will have its own blockchain and would adopt PoS protocol.
+ Decentralization: LegalBot has a coin reward system that is operated and funded in a completely non-centralized platform.
+ Swap LBOT token: Lbot alerts will be exchanged securely via the token ERC20 in the blochain platform
+ Payment system: Fast, secure, secure payment system for customers with secure digital payment authentication, maintaining interaction in the ecosystem of LegalBot.

The outstanding features of the Lbot application.

 LegalBot app, your perfect partner in drafting legal smart contracts for your cross-border business transactions.
+ Time saving and cost reduction
+ Reducing legal risks
+ Improve transparency
+ Streamline drafting
+ Enhance business relations

Airdrop Information.

LBOT is an ERC20 token built on Ethereum blockchain. All token distributions will be handled by the LBOT Smart Agreement.
+ Started: April 20, 2018 (9:00 AM GMT).
+ Ends: June 30, 2018 (9:00 AM GMT).
+ Minimum transaction amount: 0.1 ETH.
Each participant will receive 10,000 LBOT cards: 10,000 LBOT = $ 50.
+ Number of token for air drops: 1,000,000,000 LBOT.
+ Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 100,000 LBOT.
+ Currency accepted: ETH.


+ Q3 2017: Project planning, team building.
+ Q4 2017: Project research, consultation.
+ Q1 2018: Project Development, Website LegalBot.
+ Q2 2018: Distributed token.
+ 3rd quarter of 2018: official report.
+ Q4 2018: Alpha version of LBOT platform, LBOT mobile application, marketing and communication extension.
+ Q1 2019: Beta version of LBOT Platform, LBOT Database
+ Q2 - Q4 2019 Scheduled route details: Release of Blockchain LBOT, Wallet LBOT, Explorer, Convert Card to LBOT Blockchain, Masternodes, Expand Marketing.

For more information about LegaBot, contact the following link:
+ Website:
+ Telegram channel:
+ Twitter:
+ Youtube:

This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x
This content publishing and intellectual rights of articlet freely over to: legalbot
Writen by a member bounty0x  @bathu89 

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